Mailing List Archive

Re: [LoGH] Galactic Heroes Tactical Simulator
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 07:38:41 -0600

there have been a few Boardgames designed for LOGH.
I have the third one called Vermillion.
unfortunately I have never translated it.
I might suggest the Star Blazers Fleet Battles System for a ship based
Miniatures game.

I was about to say something snappish about the Star Blazers game having
come up already, but I think it was in a private note, and these list
conversations are always disjointed temporally, so I'm properly bleeding
from biting my tongue. ;->=

I had a less than pleasant experience with the then-in-developement system
at a GenCon, so I've been hesitant to pick it back up, but all who've
suggested it are right that it's closer to the scale than most, though my
limited experience with B5 Fleet Action also offers possibilities.

In the final analysis, us table-toppers want ship figs, even if they have
to be bases bristling with plastic toothpick points for the squadrons.

I'd like to come up with something to try by August for GenCon.

As to the first comment, I've seen references to the LoGH boardgames, but
have never read descriptions. If anyone knows of an English-language web
page that has info, or even a E-L magazine article to seek, I'd be VERY
grateful for the heads-up.
