Mailing List Archive

Re: [LoGH] Babylon 5 vs Galactic Empire

Patrick Chester (
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 15:02:15 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Walter Amos wrote:

> Hmmm... And that leads to an even funnier speculation - what if,
> instead of Commander Sinclair, Yang Wen-Li was the secret identity of
> Valen?   ^o^

There would have been much speculation on which had the worst attention
span: Valen or Zathras.

(Fortunately, tea w/brandy would probably be unavailable so Yang/Valen
wouldn't go psychotic upon drinking it.)

|Patrick Chester                                |
|"So what're you gonna do, Mollari? Blow up the island?" "Actually....  |
| now that you mention it..." "*NO*!!" *click*    |
|Wittier remarks always come to mind just after sending your article....|