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Re: [LoGH] Pearl Harbor (off-topic about war movies)

Lee Thompson (
Wed, 30 May 2001 12:07:15 -0700

>>Ahhh, now THERE is a board topic- how would WWII go with the LGH cast
>>members in place of the historical figures?  Reinhard as a populist
>>Prussian general that the Germans warm up to as opposed to Hitler's
>>nationalistic terror machine, and Yang as an American admiral?
>>Costarring Phezzan as a kind of Swiss Illuminati.

That could be an interesting topic because in many (not all tho) respects
Goldenbaum's Galactic Empire compares with Hitler and the rise of the third

Here are some other thoughts:

LoGH's approach is interesting because it picks up that empire nearly 500 years
later.    In some ways you can look at it as a 'ok, what if Hilter won... ' --
Reinhard does not 'fit' in the reich profile.     His reasons for fighting are
very personal and in truth, he's more of a reformer.

Lee Thompson