Re: New Book?

Yang Wenli (
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 21:41:00 +0800

At 12:16 AM 7/10/96 -0700, you wrote:
>I think Guys in HK is waiting for the new series of logh.But there is
>another series of book appear call the dragon of genesis by Tanaka.It's
>very interesting do anyone got any comments about it?
I got the first edition of Sohryuden a few years ago. However, I can only
get two volumes in HK. The third volume that is recently published is my
long awaited Tanaka's book. I think the HK bookstore sell it for the
animation of Sohryuden was just broadcast.

Sohryuden (Dragon of Genesis) talks about Japan in 80's. Tanaka comments
the behavior of Japanese (also Americans) in a very harsh way. Those silly
Japs also act like 'HKer' in a very similar way. It is a good book I think.
Do not be fooled by the animation since the anime is a skin deep production

BTW, I am planning to go to Taiwan to fetch some Tanaka's Chinese translated
novels. Legend of Arislan part II is my target.

The following is my ranking on Tanaka's novels:
1. LoGH
2. Sohryuden (The Dragon of Geneis)
3. Legend of Arislan
4. a story composed of 3 books, English name unkwown
5. LoGH extra story (anime version)


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der Menschen das gleiche... - LoGH

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