Re:Season 3 Synopses: Some Info for Season 4

Michael Renjie Tom (
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 03:24:47 -0700 (PDT)

Spoiled for one who's already heard the trick ending to the entire story.
Sad. Could be living in the zone of blissful ignorance with Reinhard and
Yang merrily picking away at each other. Only on Season II where
Giersberg and Isserlohn (grrrr can't get these bloody names right without
a list sitting here in front of me) duke it out. Kinda cool What if
Death Star I fought Death Star II? Cute premise. But then, I can't live
blissful ignorance. Kircheis is dead.
Oh, and was sitting in grueling genetics class. HOw I hate genetics
(should have been a history major like Yang). Found out the disease that
gave Reuntal diff coloured eyes. It wasn't the cheating wife at all
though can't be sure who's son he is. Its defect called chimerism (ie
chimeras). In the fertilization stage, two sperms have been known to
fertilize two different eggs (the other cell called the 2nd polar body)
So Reuntal has two different genetic material but inconcievably from two
people because of the time it takes for this to occur. Some other tibits.
chimerism is undetected unless the other sperm codes for say diff eye
colours or different skin colours. If the sperm is genetic X instead of
Y, Reuntal could also concievably be considered true hermaprodite in that
he will contain both testicular and ovarian tissue. And, if he was born
in the era of Rudolph the tyrant, he would have been executed under the
inferior genes law.