Re: more nonsense about ranks

Walter Amos (
Mon, 21 Oct 1996 23:11:19 -0500 (CDT)

Incidentally, about the question of how rank insignia work in the Alliance...
(I deleted the message I saw asking about this and saying it looks chaotic,
sorry)... there is in fact a definite progression of Alliance insignia for
both the collar and the chest insignias. There is a wonderful diagram in one
of the LoGH books I have, the "Town Mook" of the first movie, which near the
middle has a B&W page labeled "Costume Design". It shows a clear progression
of all the Alliance insignia and Imperial uniforms too. Unfortunately I
cannot describe it all accurately, I would have to scan the picture in. Maybe
in the future I will do this and the info can be added to the LGH Information
Center web page v2.0 (which is in the works)

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun | Walter Amos
der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II |