Re: Where are you, Season 4?
Thu, 24 Oct 96 08:45:35 CDT

From: Scott Swoboda

Subject: Re: Where are you, Season 4?

David Salle wrote:

>I just spent all my afternoon yesterday looking for any VT of the 4th
>season (I guess the LDs are not released yet). I just couldn't find any
>neither in anime shops in Akihabara nor in department stores. I found the
>preview and that's all. I looked into Anime V, Animedia and Animage
>magazines and I didn't see anything about GED. Does anybody know what is
>available, why I couldn't find it and at which cost? Thank you.

I had heard that the videotapes of GED/LoGH were only available by
subscription of all things. Yes, they mail them out once a week to
subscribers! I'm just glad that they make the LD box sets available to
the public.

Scott Swoboda