Where are you, Season 4?

David Salle (salle@ntasun.tnl.ntt.jp)
Thu, 24 Oct 1996 10:02:34 +0900


I just spent all my afternoon yesterday looking for any VT of the 4th
season (I guess the LDs are not released yet). I just couldn't find any
neither in anime shops in Akihabara nor in department stores. I found the
preview and that's all. I looked into Anime V, Animedia and Animage
magazines and I didn't see anything about GED. Does anybody know what is
available, why I couldn't find it and at which cost? Thank you.

By the way, Do someone know why the GED LD boxes are getting so hard to
find? I mean, 6 months ago, they where among the easiest boxes to find at
prices between 40000 and 50000Yens. Now the season 3 box has completely
disappeared, the season 1 and 2 boxes are pretty hard to find and cost
around 60000Yens. Maybe it's due to the release of the 4th season... but
I'm wondering.



David Salle

salle@email.enst.fr Currently at : salle@ntasun.tnl.ntt.jp