Re: heres another question.

Itsuki (
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 22:52:37 -0800 (PST)

> Something that I've wondered a long time. How does Julian take to the
> Yang/Fredrica pairing. I know that he does have a rather friendly
> relationship with Fred et al... But something Shenkopp mentioned when

you know, although julian later gets a girlfriend karin, i think
fredrica was his first love. she did have a lot of very fond moments with
her and yang. besides, he is a young man, and she's a very beautiful
woman! :) but i think their pairing was more of one of companionship.
they both shared an interest in yang, and i think that made them closer.
it made it easier for them to joke about his bad habits (brandy), and they
both wanted to take care of him.

> Yang was going to leave for Heinessen and the inquisition and he decided
> to bring Fred along.
> Schenkopp :"Youve decided to bring Lt. Greenhill along"
> Yang: "You object to that?"
> Schenkopp: "No, but the boy will burn red with jealosy"

yes! i think julian is very jealous! but i think that he was
jealous because fredrica was taken along and he was not. julian is very
intent on trying to help yang. i think he would be jealous that yang
takes fredrica because he wnated to be the one to help yang.

> And later as if to test his hypothesis our favorite Rosinritter goes and
> talks to Julian on the targettting range...
> Schenkopp: "You do realize his feeling for her don't you?"
> Julian: (CRACK fires his pistol) mmm... (I sorta expected him to either
> sizzle a hole dead centre or miss and shoot the target three stalls down
> or somethign... )

yes, i think he was very angry, also partially because he liked
fredrica. but julian is very mild mannered. with a little time, he
doesn't mind at all. in fact, we see him running down the corridor later
and thinking to himself: when will they ever realize their feelings for
each other? and he even teases yang that the age difference between him
and fredrica is not that great. however, it's interesting to note that
yang and fredrica differ by 7 years while julian and fredrica differ by 8
years. it is not that big of a difference in these cases, so either men
would be a good choice. ^_-

> naive..." I'm sure that Julian still has a lot of contact w him after
> Fred and Yang tie the knot but before, we see Julian taking on a huge

after fredrica and yang get married, i think they assume julian as
their son, kind of..... ^_^ it's very cute.....
