Reinhard married?

Chi Ming Hung (
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 20:04:01 -0500

I was updating the latest episode titles in season 4 when I noticed the
title "Long Live the Queen!" of episode 100.  Upon checking Satake-kun's
page, looks like he mentioned something about Reinhard's marriage
proposal (complete with flowers in hand =)   To whom?  Hildegard I
suppose.  It's only natural...

Much appreciation to whoever fluent in Japanese who can give us more
juicy details  =)


 __  __ _                                 +-------------------------------+ 
|  \/  (_)_ _  __ _        >\\\|/<        | "If you wish to live wisely,  |
| |\/| | | ' \/ _` |       |_"""_|        |  ignore sayings... including  |
|_|  |_|_|_||_\__, |       (O) (o)        |  this one."  - A wise saying  |
|, |
| Chi Ming HUNG,Dept.of Physics,SUNYSB,Stony Brook,NY11794. (516)689-5868 |