Re: St. Valentine's poll<spoiler about Kessler>

Mark Ma (
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 09:20:29 -0800 (PST)

At 11:23 PM 2/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Cazellnu's wife is Hortense. Reuental's mistress is Elfriede von Kohlrausch.
>Kesler's old flame is Vier von Kleingelt.
>Other couples...
>Admiral Bucock and his wife
>Julian and Karin (Katherose von Kreutzer)
>Cornelius Lutz and Klara
>Rubinsky and Dominique

How about Kessler and his new love?  She is a young girl who is not yet
twenty, lady-in-waiting for Kaiserin Hildegard.  They met when Kessler
rescued Kaiserin from assasins of the Terranism Movement, and they married
in the last volume.