Box 4 - Got it !
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 01:37:15 -0500 (EST)

Okay ...
    The box is a marbled brown in color(too tired to think of anything less
pedestrian than brown - it's a very nice color).
    It contains:
       Vol. 23-28(duh)
       notebook with character/mechanics sketches
       phone card AND
       A 7th LD - The "Making Video" with interviews etc. that I believe was
advertised last fall as a VHS tape only !
    Also, I got a full size pencil board with the ad picture on it. (Yang,
Reinhard, 2 little hands etc...)  One of those promo type things that they
give when you buy certain things "as supplies last" - didn't come in the box,
but was handed to Todd when he bought it at Ishimaru. Very neat =) !

Well, excuse me as I begin marathon(insofar as work schedules permit)
I miscalculated the total LDs I was getting - forgot Gundam W was 2 LDs to a
volume so I have 18 new LDs, not 13.

