Re: Japlish

Sledge Hammer! (hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 00:28:51 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 16 Mar 1997, avatar wrote:

> are used as pawns to cow their governments into submission.  Firebombing
> Tokyo, the bombing of Berlin, the nuking of Hiroshima, and the nuking of
> Nagasaki.  What were the tactical implications of that?  THESE ARE

If the Allies had had to invade Japan, they would have had to fight not
just the Imperial Japanese Army, but every civilian as well. They
were training schoolgirls to fire rifles and use bamboo spears against
the Americans. If Emperor Hirohito had not intervened and
ordered the Japanese to surrender, the loss of life, both civilian and
military, would have been staggering. There's your tactical implication.

Frankly, Japan got off very easy, considering the atrocities it committed
in Asia during the war. (There, I finally said it.) I won't go into the
details as we're off topic already. If anybody wants to discuss further
or has any questions, let's do it via private email. 


Hank Wong 
California '95				Technical Writer and PP-ASEL-IA
Legend of the Galactic Heroes List Administrator