LGH sub >34

Walter Amos (amos@sedl.org)
Sat, 29 Mar 1997 17:10:10 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 29 Mar 1997, Quid Pro Quo wrote:

> Hello,
> 	I am new to this group and was wondering if there were any
> episodes after 34 subtitled for fan sub distribution and if so from who ?
> Thanks.

A little bit more.  I know up to #38 is available.  I have copies from Bruce
Carlson but if you want a copy I can do it for you (he has enough burden as it

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |      amos@sedl.org