Re: Hello Everyone!

Noin (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 12:57:30 -0800 (PST)

	hello.  delurking for a moment..  i thought that kircheis would
die too, but i didn't think it had anything to do with annerose... after
all, annerose was kind of there but down through the whole show, as if
having already given up on life.  and i always think that kircheis had a
kiddish crush on her but it would have very easily faded had he not gone
into the army and stayed together with reinhard.  i don't remember when i
decided that he would die, but maybe from the beginning because i was so
deeply in love with him and all those i love must die.  it seems to be the
inevitable rule.  T_T  but yes, i think there was more substantial
evidence for it, and it did come from the flashback to when they were
still little kids.

	from there, we are revealed all of reinhard's deepest motivations.
he wants power so that he won't have to listen to what useless people have
to say.  he wants to do this and that for the sake of the little civilians
who are always pushed around by the nobles.  and then there was that
line....  i'll join the army.  did you see kircheis's reaction to that?
me, a soldier?  he was never suited for the job.  even when he was being a
good soldier, he was a good soldier because he was a good friend.  and
yet, we knew that reinhard wanted to set up his own system where he would
rule and rule justly and fairly...  but there's that saying that power
corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  yes, i know, i know.
that would never happen to reinhard.  but think about it.  why would it
never happen to him?  what makes him different?  well, one of those things
is kircheis.  kircheis was there to keep him in line, and kircheis's death
would most definitely be the strongest reminder of all.  i think kircheis
was doomed from the start because of the very nature that makes him such a
wonderful person.  and, of course, he _had_ to die for reinhard's sake
because his whole life had been turned around so that it centered around
reinhard.  someone mentioned that he should have died in battle or
something more glorious, but that just wouldn't have made sense, would it?
unless he was in battle and trying to save reinhard, but even then, it
wouldn't be his own sacrifice; he would be sacrificing his whole ship for
that.  it _had_ to be just him and him alone protecting reinhard just as
he had back in the days when no one else was there to be with him when
annerose was taken away.  in a fit of grief, reinhard said that kircheis
would never die before him, but for me, he had to die before reinhard....

	but as walter said, i never expected his death to be so soon!  T_T
they were still so fresh into the series...  and it was even worse because
i got first season all at once, so that was one hell of a dramatic cut off
point....  T_T  kircheis!  T_T  waaaaaaaahh!  (sorry)  i think, though...
when they started to really get into the more serious war, i began to
worry... as long as they were fighting the free planets, i was ok.  but
when they started the foreshadow with stuff like "kircheis, when you're
not with me, i fear you'll never forgive me.  can this be the path we
chose?"  and what will you do when your goals no longer coincide with
reinhard's, siegfried kircheis?  stuff like that through the war started
really really making me nervous....  and then there was the westerland
slaughter....  that was already worrisome...  reinhard tried but still
hesitated..  and then on this list, i foudn out that reinhard really had
gone thorugh with it....  T_T  when ishiguro-sensei said that the producer
wanted to stay true to the novels and then i found out about this
deviation, i started thinking that maybe the producer was staying true but
at the same time coudln't help but to change things that really, really
bothered him....  but yeah...  reinhard ordering them not to stop the
slaughter only sealed kircheis's fate.  when it was only hinted at that he
might have tried but was being wishy-washy about it, i still thought that
was trouble, but it was not nearly as definite.  and then....  T_T  their
argument....  T_T  they had already argued on little points like the cout
d'etat and exchange of prisoners... kircheis wasn't happy about that
one...  but this one was about actual lives.... and i think that from
there, kircheis would have died one way or another... i jsut didn't know
it would be so harsh when it did happen!  T_T  kircheis!  T_T  T_T  T_T
too soon... he died too soon and yet exactly at the right point in light
of recent events.... and yet....  T_T  it's still so hard to cope with his
death!  *sniffle*  he was so damn young.... only 21....  *sigh*  i'd so
gladly give up my life if it would have saved him.... but it doesn't
matter....  T_T  i'm rambling now, so i'll just stop....  my logic
discussion is over anyway....


On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Walter Amos wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, David Chee Kay Leung wrote:
> > How did you figure it out only after 4 episodes? I am quite interested. I
> > myself figured it out almost after 10 episodes when I saw Kircheis and
> > Reinhard separating during the theme song while the singer sings, "come back
> > to me someday". How about you?
> Well ep. 4 is the one where we have the flashback to Rein and Sieg's early
> life.  Since it was so obvious Sieg was in love with Annerose from the gitgo,
> I began to think about that.  I thought - given the generally serious nature
> of the show, would the author allow Sieg and Annerose to ever get together?
> The more I thought about it, the less I could come up with a scenario for this
> that didn't sound like "they lived happily ever after".  And I was certain an
> author this good wouldn't resort to that kind of pat ending.  Also there was
> the consideration that Reinhard wanted power, so would it serve his purposes
> to allow Annerose to marry Sieg?  Probably not, also considering the possible
> tensions that this maybe could cause in their friendship.  I didn't think the
> author would have the two have a falling out, though that was possible, so the
> only logical resolution of this dilemma I could come up was that Kircheis
> would have to die at some point.  Of course then I didn't know how the series
> worked out and I wouldn't have thought they would kill such a major character
> comparatively early on in the series.  Asked to guess I'd have guessed he'd
> get it near the end of the series, however meany episodes that turned out to
> be.  Of course after the first series so many other elements were introduced
> that all my ability to predict how things might go went out the window.  Sad
> though I was at Kircheis deathm it was a little gratifying to think that my
> logic processes worked similar to the author of such a cool show.
> ==============================================================================
> "Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
>   der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |
> ==============================================================================
> "Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
>   der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |