Re: Names
Thu, 03 Apr 1997 13:03:21 -0500 (EST)

Lee -

Well, for a start, PLEASE don't put more than one "h" in Reinhart's name!

Choose Reinhard or Reinhart, the latter if you want to be
more anglicized.

As far as the last name, goes, I always use
Lohengramm, and never a "w", if only because you can
extrapolate from an existing name
(Lohengrin), and go from there.

One note: when I first saw the character designs for this show in
a magazine, long before I ever saw the show, seeing
Reinhart's name in katakana madde me want to spell it
"Lionheart."  :)  It might have fit for
3 reasons: 1) the mane of hair, 2) his
personality (certainly a type of crusader!), and
3) his flag design that he chooses later when
he becomes Emperor.

- Sue