Re: Names

Walter Amos (
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 18:45:24 -0600 (CST)

On Thu, 3 Apr 1997 wrote:

> Lee -
> Well, for a start, PLEASE don't put more than one "h" in Reinhart's name!
I quite agree here.  My typical IRC nick "Rheinhard" is a semi-deliberate
misspelling.  Initially before I was 100% certian how Reinhard was spelled I
guessed that the etymological root of the forst syllable was similar to that
of the river Rhine (spelled "Rhein" in German) so that's how I spelled it.  I
later learned this was wrong, but since by that time most people recognized my
"Rheinhard" nick I kept it that way.  Also this lowers the possibility of
duplicate nicks since no one else would probably spell it that way. ^_^

> Choose Reinhard or Reinhart, the latter if you want to be
> more anglicized.
I believe "Reinhardt" is also correct, however it's more letters, and extra
work = bad.

> As far as the last name, goes, I always use
> Lohengramm, and never a "w", if only because you can
> extrapolate from an existing name
> (Lohengrin), and go from there.
> One note: when I first saw the character designs for this show in
> a magazine, long before I ever saw the show, seeing
> Reinhart's name in katakana madde me want to spell it
> "Lionheart."  :)  It might have fit for
> 3 reasons: 1) the mane of hair, 2) his
> personality (certainly a type of crusader!), and
> 3) his flag design that he chooses later when
> he becomes Emperor.

Ah but here we have a slight problem.  Is the etymology of Reinhard's last
name based on the Lohengrin myth, or more like "Lionheart". Because, you see,
the German word for Lion is "Lowe" (with an umlaut over the "o" - for example
Lowenbrau beer means "Lion's brew").  So if we want to go with the lion
etymology there may be a good argument for using "Lowengramm".  However I
admit that from force of habit and personal aesthetics I prefer the now
standard "Lohengramm".

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |