Re: Any Logh Fanfics out there ?

Walter Amos (
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:23:17 -0700

Ondine wrote:
> ---Monica/Akira-chan  wrote:
> >
> > At 01:35 AM 7/4/97 -0700, you wrote:
> > >
> > >Are there any Logh Fanfics out there ? I don't believe there isn't
> any.
> > Just that one... and a poem. Wasn't really planning on writing any more, if
> > only because what you can do with LoGH is rather limited...
> >
> > Monica
> Why ? Is it because Logh is too serious ? Is it because it is so much
> "real life scenario" that leaves no room for imagination/creativity?
> Or is it because none of the characters (whose private life is largely
> unexplored) appeals to fanfickers ?

Well, I wouldn't agree that LoGH is "limited" for fic, since there are
so many characters whom we know really very little about (most of
Reinhard and Yang's staff, for example) not to mention there must be
vast numbers of people in this universe we haven't even met yet.  

I can see where LoGH might be more limiting in terms of structure than,
say, Ranma, in that in each Ranma episode you basically introduce a
problem, resolve it in some funny way, and get back to the status quo. 
So if you write a Ranma fanfic it can just be like another episode if
you follow this general model.  However LoGH isn't like this - its story
build sequentially, so where can one "insert" fanfic events?

I personally have 2 or 3 different ideas for LoGH fanfics, I've just
never sat down and really composed and fleshed them out.  Two of them
would probably be a bit long, but I just recently got an idea for a
short-short story with a little bit of a shocker ending.  Maybe I'll
work on it at home. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to upload it
and mail it until after I get home Internet access set up, as I think my
work is antsy about bringing disks in...

--Walter Amos