More on ranks, SF, etc.
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:42:57 -0400 (EDT)

(Aplologies in advance: I can't "quote" from Delphi mail, the silly thing)

Actually, Field Marcshal is a German rank.  Rommel was a Field Marshal.
(Although I doubt he was the highest ranking German army officer in WW2!)

And, BTW, if you got your _Dune_ from WATCHING it and not READING it, I can
state with some authority that you are NOT an SF fan.  FYI, the term
"Duke" was originally used for EXTREMELY close kinship rank with the ruler.
It's not used that way in GHL.  In the rea; l world, you can't get "promoted"
to Duke, you can only inherit it (a la British royalty, and most of the
rest of Europe) by being the King's cousin or some such.

I agree; I'm not going to argue about the rank system; I'm going to use the
system I've been translating with all along (which is a mix of army and navy)
and let the non-SF-fan world learn to deal with it.

- Sue