Army and Land Warfare in Logh, something about Duke, too.

Kong Wong (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 21:14:25 -0700

I don't know who got the funny ideas that there were no ground force in
Logh - which we call Army today.  That Senior General( I forgot his
name), who got captured by Reinhard in the CIVIL war, was an officer
from the army.  If you don't know who he is, well, he is the one got
sent back and shot dead by his peers for treason.
Then there are some ground battle in Logh, like Yang had to put down the
rebellion in the civil war.  He did it on the surface of the planets. 
Attacking a Fortress require ground forces too.  And I don't recall the
Empire land their ships on the planet.  The only time they land ships in
Odin, they landed in the lakes.   
In the real world, or the one that runs under feudalism, you can get a
knighthood, then fight in some battle.  If you are lucky enough, and
your king likes you, he will raise you to an Earl.  And that is how it