RE: Just one question Jennifer...

Califf, Jennifer (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:19:07 -0500

I don't drink coffee.  I only drink tea.  ^_-


the next one will be worse.

>From: 	Chi Ming Hung[]
>Sent: 	Friday, July 11, 1997 4:53 PM
>To: 	logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Subject: 	Just one question Jennifer...
>What did you put in your coffee this morning?? ^_^
> __  __ _                                 +-------------------------------+ 
>|  \/  (_)_ _  __ _        >\\\|/<        | "If you wish to live wisely,  |
>| |\/| | | ' \/ _` |       |_"""_|        |  ignore sayings... including  |
>|_|  |_|_|_||_\__, |       (O) (o)        |  this one."  - A wise saying  |
>|, |
>| Chi Ming HUNG,Dept.of Physics,SUNYSB,Stony Brook,NY11794. (516)689-5868 |