Hurm *Gurgle* please . . . help

Califf, Jennifer (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:25:17 -0500

One day, Julian was vacuuming the living room of Yang's house when his
cat walked into the room.  The cat jumped up onto the coffee table and
stared intently at Julian.  Julian leaned down to pet the cat with one
	"Hey there kitty.  What do you want?"
Suddenly the cat replied!
	"Julian, you have to listen to me."
Julian fell over backward with the vacuum cleaner in hand.
	"You talked!  When did you learn to talk!"
	"I've always been able to talk.  I was simply waiting until the
appropriate time."
	"The appropriate time?"  Julian turned off the vaccuum looking
confused.  This was getting really weird.
	"Yes, time to tell you about your destiny."  The cat jumped off the
table and started to walk in a circle around Julian, still sitting on
the ground.
	"My destiny?"  Julian suddenly realized he was starting to sound
stupid, so he elected to keep his mouth shut and listen to the cat.
*Maybe this is all just a dream anyway,* he thought.
	"Your destiny.  Your mother died before she could tell you.  You are
the latest in the long line of warriors, and I am here to guide you.
Here take this pen and repeat after me."  Suddenly, the cat, which had
never seemed very agile before, leapt into the air completeing a full
somersault.  Out of nowhere a small pink pen fell to the ground in front
of Julian.  He picked it up.
	"Now say, 'Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!'"
Julian did as he was told and suddenly a magical light appeared around
him.  Realizing he was naked, he tried to cover up.  However, before he
could do anything his body was twisted involuntarily into remarkable
dancelike postures.  When the light faded, he realized he was wearing a
really weird outfit. 
	"What the heck is this?!"
	"It's a sailor suit.  You are the destined sailor-suited warrior of
love and justice, Sailor Moon!"
	"But I look stupid!"
	"It could be worse!  At least you're not wearing a dress!"


Enough for one day.  I'm giving myself a real headache.