Hi Mark and Sara!

Califf, Jennifer (jcaliff@nsai-petro.com)
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:41:07 -0500

Belated hello to both!

This mailing list is usually pretty quiet.  Lately the only discussion
has been about LoGH tactical game that some of the guys want to
translate.  I'm Jennifer, rabid LoGH addict, occasional bizarre
fanficker, probably the number one fan of Yang Wenli and self-proclaimed
Yang no Miko - I title I chose haveing seen Monica's sig far too often.
^_^  How many other people have a poster of Yang hanging above their
bed?  Okay guys, get your minds back where they belong - I mean framed
and hanging on the wall, and Yang's not the only character in the poster
(just my favorite).  Sheesh.

Anyway, by all means don't let this taciturn group get to you.  If you
have something you want to say or discuss about the series, go for it.
I'd say the majority of the people on this list are very intelligent,
and slightly more mature than the average anime addict.  I guess you'd
almost have to be to watch Galactic Heroes.  Some of the people on this
list have read the novels, seen the entire series, and can translate
Japanese.  Others have seen the first few episodes subbed and fell in
love.  Most of us fall somewhere in between.  

Enjoy being on the list!


Boy, what got into me today?