Why Galactic Heroes isn't available commercially

Ted Ekering (ws635@freenet.victoria.bc.ca)
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 10:31:31 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 11 Sep 1997, Sentiono Leowinata wrote:
> >    Well, LoGH can only be bought as Japanese LDs or VHS tapes.  No US or
> > english release has been made.  Given the length and 'animation' I doubt
> > it ever will.

Mark Andrew Siefert wrote:

> 	You mean because unlike most anime LoGH isn't especially violent
> and doesn't have "nekk-id" girls running around in every other scene?

Actually, Mark, this is a completely separate concern.  Sent is pointing 
out the logistical difficulties with a series so long and so poor in 
production values, regardless of content.

> It's sad when high quality animation like LoGH is passed up for garbage

What anime distributors are releasing here may be garbage in terms of 
script and story content, but it's all high quality ANIMATION compared to 
LoGH.  With a market as small as it is even in Japan, we should count 
ourselves lucky it's been animated at all.

> 	Until someone on our side of the Pacific, had the courage to
> invest in a quality anime series like LoGH, I guess we will have to make
> due with what we got.  

This would not require courage, only stupidity.  Those of us who run 
anime clubs have a hard enough time getting the fans to watch the show, 
never mind support it in any other capacity.  It wouldn't sell.

                                                       Ted Ekering
                                               Vic & Jack's Subtitling Ink.
                                                   Make love, not dubs.