RE: Why Galactic Heroes isn't available commercially

Califf, Jennifer (
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 13:32:49 -0500

>Ted Ekering wrote:
>On Thu, 11 Sep 1997, Sentiono Leowinata wrote:
>> It's sad when high quality animation like LoGH is passed up for garbage
>What anime distributors are releasing here may be garbage in terms of 
>script and story content, but it's all high quality ANIMATION compared to 
>LoGH.  With a market as small as it is even in Japan, we should count 
>ourselves lucky it's been animated at all.
>> 	Until someone on our side of the Pacific, had the courage to
>> invest in a quality anime series like LoGH, I guess we will have to make
>> due with what we got.  
>This would not require courage, only stupidity.  Those of us who run 
>anime clubs have a hard enough time getting the fans to watch the show, 
>never mind support it in any other capacity.  It wouldn't sell.

I think you're overgeneralizing.  I think the primary problem with bring
over LoGH is not "getting fans to watch the show" but rather introducing
the show to the appropriate audience.  LoGH really is sci-fi for sci-fi
fans.  As Walter has suggested, if the show was introduced at major
science fiction conventions, and if the sci-fi channel would run it (and
if someone would translate and publish the novels under a major label)
it would have a much better chance of being sucessful than if we were to
depend on the conversion of the anime community which is used to
watching anime-as-usual.  (sorry to paraphrase)

As for the animation quality, I don't know how many episodes you've
seen.  The first movie and early episodes were very rough, granted, but
by the second and third series I would have to say that LoGH was
comparable to some of the best TV animation and even some OVAs.  Heck of
a lot better animated than UY, Ranma, or MI TV episodes.  (Haven't seen
the 4th series yet so I can't comment)  I remember noticing vividly the
dramatic increase in quality from the 1st to 2nd series even when I
didn't know what was going on.  As for the second movie, some of the
animation there was almost stunning.  Remember, its not just the number
of frames per second, its how you use them. ^_^


"You shot the invisible swordsman!"
