Re: Looking for episodes.

David Chee Kay Leung (
Fri, 12 Sep 1997 12:16:34 -0700

At 03:57 12/09/97 -0400, you wrote:
>At 08:54 PM 9/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>>    I love LoGH, but lets face facts the animation has very little
>>>movement.  The story is long and complex.  Maybe if LoGH was released here
>>>it would do well, but what US company wants to take the chance?  When I
>>>tried to show LoGH at my University club most (>90%) of peopel would get
>>>up and leave until t was over.
>>        Just want to add to the discussion that there is another
>>complication regarding Logh. The first time I watched Logh was by
>>"accident". I just turned on the TV and I saw Logh (in HK). All I saw was a
>>young man (actually Yang) talking to an old guy on a bench about some
>>fortress (Iseloin) and other politics stuff. At that time I was like 12 and
>>my first reaction was to turn off the TV immediately. 
>>        However, somehow I couldn't forget this little experience. Years
>>later somehow I remembered this and I said to myself, "maybe I turned off
>>the TV too quickly......". A couple of years later I saw Logh episodes for
>>rent. The rest is history. I got addicted to it. 
>Hi, I'm wondering where did you find the TV episodes for rent?  Are they
>dubbed in Chinese or are they Subtitled in Chinese?

I am living in Vancouver, Canada. They are subtitled in Chinese. Only the
first 2 seasons are available. I also found the episodes of all four
seasons, but they are entirely in Japanese (no subtitles whatsoever).