Re: The LOGH game

Admiral Baker (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 21:50:26 +0100

At 11:13 1997-11-14 -0800, you wrote:

>        Is there any way I can have music without the CD? My first
>impression with the game
>is good but it will be a lot better if I can have music. I see a lot of
>files with the letters "bgm" 
>as their filenames but the only way I can play without my computer frozen is
>to play it
>with no music.


You can have the music without the CD, my copy didn't come from a original
CD either.

I think it would better if you can play the game in DOS and not under Win95.

I had a soundblaster 16 soundcard before and there were no problem playing
the musics.

Hope this helps some...

Thank you
My E-mail address is <>
Admiral James Baker (A.K.A. Chong Li)