Re: What is your favourite character in LoGH?

Mark A. Siefert (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 01:12:39 -0600

I'd have to say that Rhinehart is my favorite.  Rhinehart is the
prefect tradgic hero. He starts off with a laudable enough goal (to
bring an end to the decandence and corruption of the Goldenbaum
Dynasty), but as time goes on he becomes more and more like the
power-mad and evil barons he despises.  He distances himself from the
people who care for him and would keep him on the right path (e.g.
Annarose and Kircheis) and puts his trust in those who are not worthy of
it (e.g Oberstien--who is an interesting character in his on right).  I
sense this will lead to his downfall, which will in turn lead him to his
death or redemption (I've all liked stories of redemption ala "Pulp
Fiction" or Londo Mollari on "Babylon 5.")
Mark A. Siefert
        "Well Mike, I guess it's just a magical land.  I HATE MAGICAL

                        --Crow T. Robot
                        MST3K, "Jack Frost"
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