Question about what Popalan said...

Mark David (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 17:08:45 -0500

In one conversation with Attenburouh(?), Popolan says something like:
"Who are you, Oberstien?"

I can't for the life of me remember exactly where in the series he says
this. But I do think he said in while in Isherlon.

WTF? As far as I know there is only one Oberstien in the series and he
hasn't had any contact whatsoever with anyone in the Alliance.

And, damnit, I'm 42 eps into the series and I STILL can't get the names
right. I know them when I hear them and I can put them to faces but ask
me to spell them...jeeze. Here's some I know I'm not spelling right,
anyone care to take a stab?

Reinhard von Lohengramm
Seigfried Kirchies

Don't even ask me to pronounce them right :) Thank god for the simple
names like Yang, Kemp, Hilda, Julian... :)


.-Mark David -- Super Genius!------------------.
|                             |
|                    |
| Riding high on his bright, shiny             |
|  zeppelin of arrogance!                      |