Re: Translation of Logh.

Ted Ekering (
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 00:41:47 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, Huang Gang wrote:

> I am taking a SF/Fantasy course in this Spring semester, and I am
> thinking of translating part of LOGH as my term project.  
> Can someone tell me where did the last person stopped?

You're probably better off translating the Golden Wings OAV...  That way,
you're not second-guessing Sue's progress, and you're providing a script
that otherwise would never get made anyway.  Nobody else seems interested
in translating it, despite the continued fan interest in a subbed version.

                                                       Ted Ekering
                                               Vic & Jack's Subtitling Ink.
                                                   Make love, not dubs.