Re: Translation of Logh.
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 16:54:25 +0800

Huang Gang wrote:

> I am taking a SF/Fantasy course in this Spring semester, and I am
> thinking of translating part of LOGH as my term project.
> Can someone tell me where did the last person stopped

     I'm also taking something like the SF (Monsters, Cyborgs
andVampires) in this semester. So, what do you study in your course?
Maybe you can answer me in private e-mail.
     Though I am not going to translate the novel, I am also going to
talk about the gender issues and sexuality about this novel in another
course. So, can some here can suggest me some ideas about that?

p.s. I remembered some of you here can read or speak German, am I
       right? Since I am learning the language, can someone here be my
       German pen-pal, so that I may have the chance to practise the
       language. Thank you.