Re: [Spoiler / Noise] The strategy in LoGH vs Gundam W

Z107M (
Fri, 6 Mar 1998 23:31:50 -0800 (PST)

Even more spoilers!

> Spoiler / Noise !!!
>      Two days ago, I've finished watching Gundam W. In the last episode,

Ah.. the first time I watched gundam wings I scorned it, because it was
right after I had watched the latest subbed eps of logh, and when I saw
gwing. I thought, bah, this series is nothing but run of the mill :b  My
how other series just cannot come on par with logh....

> Zechs wants his Libra crashing with the Peacemillion into Earth. Is this
> somewhat similar to the one that is used by an general of the Empire (I
> just remember that his name is Karl.) to crash Iserlohn? The only
> difference is that Libra is not in the shape of a planet, while that

Well, that and zechs lives and comes back in endless waltz.
