Re: light hearted quest.

C Sue Shambaugh (
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 21:47:59 -0500

David Simmons wrote:
> > There was never a time in the anime that I would have called Reinhard's hair
> > "short" in any absolute sense, but I agree, in later seasons it really gets
> > ridiculous.  When it gets to the point where, from the rear, you can't tell
> > if you're looking at Reinhard or Oscar Francois de Jarjeyes, you have a
> > problem.  (In fact I always wanted to make up an anime gag video using this
> > concept...)
>     Separated at birth...?

So, I'm *not* the only one to notice the resemblance.  :>

Well, on a slightly different note (but only slightly), it is
with mostly pride (and some regret) that I announce my
and my husband's successor to the Reinhart costume.
For Katsucon 4, we debuted the Oscar/Ferzen dress
uniforms, to universal delight of old fen everywhere.

And NO, I did not look ANYTHING like Reinhart.  :>  neeheehee

- Sue