
Walter Amos (
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 09:25:30 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Hank Wong wrote:

> > Nah, but you can glom a look at me and my husband here:
> > 
> >

Ha! Great!  I have been hoping to be able to get a look at these costumes
which I know Sue and Tom wore for some time.  Of course, I still hate them,
(a) for looking so good, and (b) for seeming to beat me to so many costume
ideas (see below...)

> Wow!  the costumes look really good!  It was a pleasant surprise to find
> a costume from such a classic series.  (Okay, so my friends bag on me all
> the time for it, but I actually sorta liked Rose of Versailles.)
Shoot them.  I find RoV and other older series so much more interesting and
engaging than 99% of the crap being produced in anime right now.  The same
goes for LoGH, another show most fen "bag" on.

> So what other kinds of costumes have you made? out of curiosity's sake,
> and since it is a logh mailing list, any imperial army uniforms?

Have they made any Imperial army costumes?!?!  HAH!  Do you know how I first
became aware of Sue's costuming?  It was right after Anime Con 91, I think,
and my friend Phil and I were buying Japanese anime mags from the SF
Kinokuniya books.  I looked through an issue of Newtype, I think it was, (I
believe it had Grandis from Nadia on the cover) and flipped around to the "fan
contributions" section, and there came across a picture of Sue's husband Tom
decked out in full Imperial dress regalia!  Ack!! The coolest costume in all
of anime-dom, and I was certain LoGH was not popular enough that anyone else
would want to do it, and here was already an absolutely gorgeous rendition of
it, and on a guy who even looks like Reinhard (Tom is blond).  I later got to
see this costume up close at Anime East 95, when I hosted the masquerade in my
Imperial dress uniform, and Sue and Tom brought theirs along.  Unfortunately
Tom was feeling too ill to wear the costume in the masquerade that night.  I
was looking forward to probably the only opportunity we'll ever have to see
the only Imperial costumes in existence in the US on stage at the same time.

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |