Re: Question !!!!!!

Henrietta Wu (
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 23:58:39 PDT

It's very obvious why Oberstein didn't seize the throne of the cosmos 
and put that blonde kid in some reformatory. Oberstein is not 
charismatic and it would be a miracle for him to win the obeisance from 
Mittermeyer and Reuental among other able admirals, let alone the 
support of thw whole emperor or rising the morale of his soldiers. 
Secondly, he is Reinhard's inferior in war tactics and he knows it well. 
Moreover, he has also swore homage to Reinhard.   

Now, that leads to another question. Does Reinhard desperately need 
Oberstein? I've always have to impression that Reinhard is fine on his 
own. May be the author of logh lionized Reinhard's omnipotence. I guess 
their association is mutually beneficial to them both regardless of the 
side effects.

BTW, why the author doesn't describe Reinhard's days at the cadet? The 
character itself emerges as a soldier of a considerable high rank. I was 
watching J.I. Jane the other day and I was absolutely horrified at the 
intense military training one has to go through in order to obtain 
operational skills. Like it or not, Reinhard is a rather dry and flat 
character. No human flesh. Never seen him mess around with interns like 
that particular someone at the White House. ( Do women come with power 
or do power comes with women? )   

" Man, proud man, dress in a little brief authority! "
Measure for Measure, Shakespear  


PS BTW, who here has read Level E? It's a seriocomically wicked manga! 
Excellent plots with bitter irony and sarcasm. A rare intelligent manga 
in these days.

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