Re: Fansub Distributer

Walter Amos (
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:45:47 -0600 (EST)

On Sun, 25 Oct 1998, Backlash wrote:

> 	Well, the information you just said is interresting, but it just answers
> one part of the question. Nobody has yet said anything about the quality of
> the LoGHs that Aquarian has. Can anybody please answer it...
> 	Also, is there any other places that has the LoGH episodes and also
> distribute SVHS tapes?

Well, although I am not officially "distributing" (at least not anymore
after the hell we went through on the Conan Project) anymore, I do have
the 2 LGH movies on svhs since that's how we did our fansub masters.
If you can't find another svhs source I'd be willing to copy them for
you.  As for the series eps though, I only have those on vhs, and
they're the subs made by Bruce Carlson - I never worked on those.

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |