Re: Boy, I'm not feeling too bright...

Robyn Paterson (
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 14:21:29 -0500

Joe Monson wrote:

> At 20:40 -0800 98.11.29, Monica/Akira-chan wrote:
> >For some reason, I keep thinking LoGH is an OAV series, and not a TV
> >series. That, of course, doesn't make any sense, so I'm asking when it was
> >aired, and on what channel, if anyone knows. Also, does anyone have some
> >knowledge about the new OAVs coming out? Thanks!
> It _is_ an OAV series. To quote the welcome message to the LoGH ML:
> "Currently, the anime consists of 95 OVA episodes, 2 movies, and a special
> prequel OVA. A total of 104 episodes are planned. LoGH also exists in
> Japanese and Chinese manga (comic book) form."

    Two comments,

    1) LoGH the OAV series is DONE in Japan, with a total of 114 Episodes (I
know, I've seen all of them.), and the above message should be changed to
reflect this.
    2) LoGH was playing last year on Tokyo TV late at night, and I think it's
been shown on TV before. (Not that it's a TV series, of course, it is an OAV


 "Five Minutes Ago, this is Robyn Paterson for Network XXIII."