Re: Hello & Sources (LoGH X Starblazers)

Graeme Lennon (
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 21:29:31 -0500 (EST)

> I would actually say that StarBlazers is far more tactically oriented
> (Andromeda fire the wave motion gun there), and LoGH more
> strategically oriented (left flank of 13th fleet, form a spindle
> formation). The scale of battle is just too different to really compare
> them otherwise. 
> I'm no expert on military strategy and tactics but the scale of LoGH is
> such that I would almost go as far to say that it's more army-like in
> nature, even though they are using ships.

The strategies employed by LoGH fleets are indeed very "army-like". They
borrow from the same historical background that the Empire is built from,
old Prussia. I've noticed many similarities between the situations and the
tactics used in LoGH to the Napoleonic era, in particular. I expect that
this has been pointed out before.

Graeme Lennon -=- -=- Toronto, Canada
         | "Truth is one, the sages speak of   |
         |  it by many names." - Vedic proverb |
  oOo this is line is a seventh dimensional entity oOo