Mailing List Archive

RE: Costuming

Califf, Jennifer (
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:09:45 -0500

On Wednesday, April 28, 1999 4:05 PM, Scott Swoboda
[] wrote:

> If someone could host it on their web site, I can write complete
> instructions for constructing the costume and provide scans of
> chara
> sheets (since the Roman Album is hard to find now), scans of scale
> accessories, and scans of the patchs plus photos of the completed
> costume.

I'm interested in this myself.  I never got very far on my own.  ^_^  I
can loan you some webspace for the designs if you like. 


Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I can find the answer and then
We can run to the end of the world
-"Small of Two Pieces" lyrics by Masato Kato, end theme of Xenogears