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Re: Bringing LOGH to the US?

C Sue Shambaugh (
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 19:53:58 -0400

Rob wrote:
> Also, I don't know enough about the book industry to put forth any
> suggestions as to what company would be most receptive to publishing the
> novels.  Does anyone know of a publisher that has already published
> translations of any other Japanese series of novels.  I'm interested to
> hear what everyone has to say.

Well, as somebody who's submitted manuscripts for the first book to
several major publishers in the U.S., I feel qualified to comment.  :>

NOBODY is interested in tackling an import project of this size, UNLESS
it's one of those "pay for it yourself" vanity publishing houses (in
which case, the *translator* has to purchase the rights to the title
*separately*)  The SF/Fantasy publishers are still wincing at the losses
they swallowed on the Gundam novels, and THAT was a mere 3 volumes long.

Anybody got a spare million bucks or two??  Ah.  I thought not.  :>

- Sue