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Re: [LoGH] possible spoiler warning?

Justin Ho (
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 16:20:50 -0400

At 10:50 AM 9/28/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Are you sure it's kanji and not katakana?  Very very different for translation
> >Mittermeyer's flagship must be called "Waerewolf"
> >instead of "Beowulf".  In the novel, it is the only
> >flagship whose name is given in kanji (All other
> >kanji names are inventions in the anime. The author
> >never named Lutz's or Ulanf's flagships in the novel.
> >Forget Salamander or Bang-Goo and the small kanji characters in the
> >titles.), so there is no possibility
> >of the author's making any transliteration mistake.
> >Now I do not speak any Japanese except for a few
> >hellos and good-byes.  But I have seen these 2
> >kanji characters ("man"-or-"person" and "wolf" as
> >mentioned by Hank Wong) combined in the same order
> >in other works.  Judging from their content, that
> >combination cannot mean anything other than "werewolf".

    Most definitely it is kanji as I can read it and I do not read 
katakana.  It is literally "man" and "wolf".  Although I still personally 
prefer Beowulf given that its sister ship is the Tristan.