other Tanaka works

Ted Ekering (ws635@freenet.victoria.bc.ca)
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 14:25:04 -0800 (PST)

Hey, fellow fans,

I'm curious as to what those on this list think of other anime series 
that have been adapted from Yoshiki Tanaka's books.  The Heroic Legend of 
Arislan, for instance, is rife with parallels with Galactic Heroes, and 
up to the third part I considered it on a par with LoGH.  Of course, the 
production suffered greatly when Kadokawa was busted for heroin trafficking
and as a result III and IV don't measure up to the first two.  I haven't 
seen V or VI yet, but I'm hoping they don't simplify the stories as much 
just to fit them into a 30 min. format.

Sohryuden, however, was absolute crap from the beginning.  I must admit 
I haven't seen this whole series either (I gave up after the third part), 
but the whole premise of a family of brothers descended from dragons didn't 
seem like Tanaka's usual intelligence.  The production values and character
designs were so weak it only made the stories that much worse.  Has anyone 
found something of merit in these?

Finally, I've been asked to translate a new Tanaka sci-fi anime series 
called Nana Toshi Monogatari (at least, we think that's how it's read -- 
on/kun readings may be confused).  It's in two 30 min. parts, and the 
description on the back reads something like this...

	Because of the "Big Fall Down", caused by the collapse
	of the earth's axis, the North and South poles moved
	to the equatorial region and all mankind on earth were
	annihilated. Luckily, however, those who were on the
	moon and escaped this calamity came back to the earth
	and built seven cities to start a new history.  However, 
	fearing an attack from the new mankind on earth, people
	of the moon installed the "Olympos System" but caught an
	infectious disease and died away while the system was 
	in drive. The people of seven cities have formed the
	armies, calling them a self-defence force and fought with 
	each other, reconciling from time to time as if to pass the
	tedious time until the Olympos System shall be destroyed.

Anyone familliar with this series, in anime or any other form?
We haven't decided on an English title yet, so suggestions are encouraged...
Perhaps Ms. Shambaugh has some ideas?
                                                       Ted Ekering
                                                 Secretary, JAC Victoria
                                                   Make love, not dubs.