Re: other Tanaka works

Chi Ming Hung (
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 04:49:07 -0500

On Nov 6,  2:25pm, Ted Ekering wrote:
> Subject: other Tanaka works
> Finally, I've been asked to translate a new Tanaka sci-fi anime series
> called Nana Toshi Monogatari (at least, we think that's how it's read --
> on/kun readings may be confused).  It's in two 30 min. parts, and the
> description on the back reads something like this...
> ...
> Anyone familliar with this series, in anime or any other form?
> We haven't decided on an English title yet, so suggestions are encouraged...
> Perhaps Ms. Shambaugh has some ideas?

Donno about this series, and I'm no Sue =), but I happen to know the title
"nana toshi monogatori" or "shichi toshi monogatori" means "A Tale of
Seven Cities"  (a la Dickens =), or it may be "A Tale of the Seven
Metropolis" because "toshi" can mean "town", "city", "metropolis" etc.
I think the novel came out in March of 1990, donno about the anime though.

Talking about Tanaka's work, seems lately he's writing/translating books
that have to do with ancient Chinese history, like the 4 volumes (so far)
of the Sui-Tang Dynasties, wonder if they'd make an anime out of it =)


 __  __ _                                 +-------------------------------+
|  \/  (_)_ _  __ _        >\\\|/<        | "If you wish to live wisely,  |
| |\/| | | ' \/ _` |       |_"""_|        |  ignore sayings... including  |
|_|  |_|_|_||_\__, |       (O) (o)        |  this one."  - A wise saying  |
|, |
| Chi Ming HUNG,Dept.of Physics,SUNYSB,Stony Brook,NY11794. (516)689-5868 |