Re: Japlish
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 10:47:07 -0500 (EST)

Throwing another log on the fire...

Well, what can we do?  Use "Niplish?"  (this is a JOKE)

Seriously., I never heard the term Japlish used much out here in the East.
We always said "Engrish" and ssumseassumed people would know it wasn't a typo.
(One can always capitalize the R to make the emphatic point!)

Tensions are still high, esp. in certain areas of the country where a) there
are lots of veterans (like here in DC), or b) where cars are built  :?  You
wouldn't believe the crap I caught from coworkers when my second car
purchase was a Honda Civic.  (160K+ miles and still ticking!)  Take THAT,
Crysler!!)hrysleer!!)  A good freieiend and iend and colleague of my husabband (Makoto Manabe, Tokyo
native amd paleontologist who went to school here, and in Canada
and the UK) used to get stopped in Texas all the time because the idiot
border patrol kept insisting he was Mexican.  (Despite his passpotrt!!)

Like nowhere else, bigotry reigns in America.  I used to say "Japanimation,"
but now it's just "AJ" (a two syllable word :)JA" (a two syllable word :)

- Sue