Re: Delphi, ranks, and SF, oh my!

Chi Ming Hung (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 11:03:26 -0400

On Jul 10, 10:30am, wrote:
> Subject: Delphi, ranks, and SF, oh my!
> Well, first off, there is only *one* mail editor on Delphi, and it's
> VAX-VMS-based (I recognize the clunky interface from my early email days in
> university) - So if there are aododd characters, not only can I not see
> them, I can't help them.  Eek!  Gotta switch to my Mac-based Qmail at
> work for this list...

VAX/VMS?  Good Grief!  Only those stubborn backward scientists/engineers
still use THAT! ... But I'm one of them ^_^;  Lucky I don't have to depend
on it for email though.  Imagine the very intelligent mail protocol, like
mx%"" because IP address isn't the natural thing they say ^_^

> Yes, I've seen the "ranks" page on the URL you mentioned, months ago.

Oh yes, I have the feeling you might have.  But months is like years
in the hellish life of a grad student you know ^_^

> I agree that there is no sense in having an "army" in space, HOWEVER
> both sides in the war also have land-battle specialists (a la
> Rosentritters), so it might be appropriate for occupations, etc.

Even that I don't think is reasonable.  I mean what land-battle?  With
such advanced technology, massive orbital bombardment is enough to win
any war ^_^  So theoretically you can do anything from the ship,
and if not, just send in a couple of HAL-90000000-controlled land
combat units, why risk human lives and create redundant army ranks at
the same time? ^_^

You see, Star Trek seems more sensible in this respect.  There's a
prominent Star FLEET, but no army (at least I can't recall one).

> Tanaka knows nothing treally about the military.  (Most obvious point:
> no real commander would be allowed to give the command "run away" to his
> troops the way Yang does so often!  BIG wrist-slap for that.)  So

Now what's wrong with that?  Isn't that called "retreat"?  Last I heard,
it's a legit military command ^_^

> Lastly (and a BIG sore spot to me), yes, Dune is a visually
> stunning movie, but the makers of it COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT.

The POINT is in the eyes of the beholder ^_^

> Herbert wasn't allowed to asysay anything during the release period,
> by contract, but his posthumous statement on the matter made it clear that
> he did NOT approve of the movie version.  (WHAT TV version??)  They remade
> the movie with extra narration, but it was never a "TV" version").)

>From Internet Movie Database:

"Theatrical version is 140-minutes long; network TV version, disowned by
director David Lynch, is 190 minutes long and features outtakes and
additional footage. The TV print credits "Allen Smithee" as director. The
theatrical release features a brief introductory narration spoken by the
"princess". The TV version has a longer spoken introduction by a
narrator, with still paintings and drawings used to bring the viewer up to
speed on the story. The TV version (available on Japanese Laserdisc) lacks
the blue color in the Fremen's eyes, indicating that the scenes were cut
before special f/x were added."

Actually there are some good outtakes on the TV version, like the scene
where they show how the Fremens make the Spice by drowning a baby Worm.

> The
> point of Dune was that (and yes, this is appropriate to GHL, don't flame
> me!) there ARE no human messiahs.  Not MUad'Dib.  Not Reinhart, either.
> Paul ATreides was NOT the chosen one, and they screwed that up at the
> end of the movie.  (ack, phoo)  Herbert HATED that ending.  

Oh well, seems like a minor quibble to me.  I mean hey, there are god-like
heroes in TV/movies everywhere, what's one more? ^_^  And in a sense that
ending scene is required in a cinematical version, because that's the
natural climax average viewers will expect.  If you end with a philosophical
"The point of this story is there's no human messiah, not even Muad'Dib.
What we've been showing you for the past 2 hours was trying to mislead you
into thinking he is one, so that we can have the last laugh. Ha Ha!"
Now that won't work, will it? ^_^

> I wonder how Tanaka felt when they changed the ending of GHL for
> animation?  (my reaction: ack, phoo!)

Did they?  Um better not say it ^_^


 __  __ _                                 +-------------------------------+ 
|  \/  (_)_ _  __ _        >\\\|/<        | "If you wish to live wisely,  |
| |\/| | | ' \/ _` |       |_"""_|        |  ignore sayings... including  |
|_|  |_|_|_||_\__, |       (O) (o)        |  this one."  - A wise saying  |
|, |
| Chi Ming HUNG,Dept.of Physics,SUNYSB,Stony Brook,NY11794. (516)689-5868 |