Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode Guide
Scene|Into the Eternal Night
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In the far future, there are two major powers: the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance. Trading with both sides, is the independent city-state known as the Phezzan Dominion. While they don't participate in the fighting, they observe the war from both sides.

The two empires are located within opposite spiral arms.    Only two corridors allow navigation between the two  arms.    One corridor contains the Phezzan, while the other is protected by the Imperial Fortress "Iserlohn". The fortress is enclosed in liquid metal, and armed with the most destructive weapon ever known, "Thor's Hammer".

The war has continued for over 150 years.

Universal Calender 796, Reich Calendar 487. [3597 AD.]

An Imperial shuttle docks with the Flagship Brünhilde. Admiral Willibald Joachim von Melkatz steps aboard, joining other commanders from other ships. On the bridge is the young blonde High Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm, his childhood-friend and companion is Captain Siegfried Kircheis.

The five Admirals have requested an audience with the High Admiral since the Alliance surrounds the fleet on three sides, outnumbering them two to one. Reinhard doesn't give the men any sympathy, commenting that they have lost their nerve. Reinhard surprises the five Admirals by saying that it is they who ultimately hold the advantage. Meanwhile, on Phezzan, Landesherr Adrian Rubinsky observes the situation.

On the Imperial home-world Odin, Reinhard's sister Annerose von Grunewald relaxes while   Friedrich the Fourth, the 36th Kaiser, discusses the upcoming battle with Imerpial Prime Minister, Klaus von Lichtenlade. As Annerose gazes at the scenery, she remembers the first time she met Siegfried:

Sieg, be good friends with my little brother, won't you?


Siegfried is remembering the same moment, he mentions to Reinhard that today is his sister's birthday. Reinhard plans to offer the day's victory as a birthday gift for his sister.  However, he has just one worry, and that is the "Hero of El Facile" - Yang Wen-Li.

On the Free Planets Star Fleet Flagship Patoroklos, Commodore Yang Wen-Li is finishing up a meeting with Vice Admiral Paeta and other commanders. In spite of the odds, he advises caution to his superiors.    After turning his plan down flat Yang joins his friend, Commander Dusty Attenborough. They talk about the upcoming battle, Yang's only real concern is the commander of the white ship - Reinhard von Lohengramm.

All over the galaxy, on Fortress Iserlohn and elsewhere, everyone speculates on the upcoming battle at Starzone Astarte..

Finally the battle begins.  

In the 6th Fleet, Jean Robert Lappe tries to convince his commanding officer that the Imperials may yet achive victory.    During the argument, the Imperials attack leading towards a great tragedy.

Synopsis edited by Lee Thompson

Based on a synopsis written by Galen Jang, Andy Kim and James Matsuzaki published in V-MAX #2.  Used with permission.