Re: other Tanaka works
Thu, 7 Nov 96 08:52:26 CST

From:    Scott Swoboda
Subject: Re: other Tanaka works
Ted Ekering wrote:
>Finally, I've been asked to translate a new Tanaka sci-fi anime series
>called Nana Toshi Monogatari (at least, we think that's how it's read --
>on/kun readings may be confused).  It's in two 30 min. parts, and the
>description on the back reads something like this...
>Anyone familliar with this series, in anime or any other form?
>We haven't decided on an English title yet, so suggestions are encouraged..
>Perhaps Ms. Shambaugh has some ideas?
I have had this LD for quite some time now!  I never realized it was a
Tanaka work!  It's been a long time since I've seen it, but IS there a
second LD?  I've never been able to find another in the "series." The reason
I bought it was because there were really cool battleship fleet artillery
duels on the high seas.  Since the Olympos lasers (on the moon!) shoot down
all aircraft over a couple hundred feet, the battleship (well, cruisers,
actually) has become once more the king of the high seas.  Since I can
understand very little of the dialogue, much about the plot and characters
eludes me.  I'd almost assumed that the series wasn't successful enough
to release a second part, as this is the first time I've heard anything
about it anywhere.  I had the title translated also, but it could be
interpreted a number of ways.  I'll try to find it.  I'd love to get
a copy of your script/work on timing/whatever, just to find out what's
going on (and to see part 2 of the "series").
Scott Swoboda